Cici Wu and Elaine W. Ho *screen* films from Hong Kong, Palestine, and the Uyghur Diaspora
Leidy Churchman *asks their teacher* Lama Justin von Bujdoss *to lead a dark retreat*
Dial-A-Poem USA *launches with readings by* Courtney Bush, Ian Dreiblatt, Stephon Lawrence, and Patricia Spears Jones
Luke Fowler and David Grubbs *celebrate the work of* Brunhild Ferrari
Nick Mauss *talks to* Emmelyn Butterfield-Rosen *about artists he's written about*
The first annual conference *about* artist—curated exhibitions
Che Chen *convenes an evening for and with* Morgan Võ
Palto Flats *celebrates* Dorothy Carter *with live music by* Laraaji *and archival video by* Ben Levine
Soap Library *plays cassette tapes and invites* AC Diamond and Suz / Murray *to perform*
We are *turning* 50 years old
Elizabeth Peyton *books a concert by* Elias Bender Rønnenfelt
Niloufar Emamifar *invites* Asef Bayat *to give a lecture*
Oto Gillen *projects* photographs *with live score by* Keegan Monaghan & Eugene Wasserman *and poems by* Andrew Weatherhead
Yuzo Sakuramoto *sets up* Ailanthus Books *for two days*
Yuko Otomo *asks* Matthew Shipp *to perform and invites* Elaine Equi & Brenda Coultas *to join*
Dora Budor *screens* Gidal, Zhang, Lynge, Vettukattil, Straub, and Barker & Levack
Tonya Foster *talks about* Marcella Durand, Erica Hunt, & Leah Souffrant
Ergot Records *hosts a concert by* Blue Lake, with Music for Broken Violins
Anne Waldman *presents* The Genius of Others
222 Bowery
GPS Records
John Giorno