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Limited capacity
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Please donate to support The New York War Crimes
October 24,
October 25,
and October 26, 2024
A three-day gathering featuring film, poetry, and conversation, with
Carolina Ebeid
Mohammed el-Kurd
Summer Farah
Nadine Fattaleh
Kaleem Hawa
Trish Salah
Gaza Poets Society
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
October 25,
and October 26, 2024
A three-day gathering featuring film, poetry, and conversation, with
Carolina Ebeid
Mohammed el-Kurd
Summer Farah
Nadine Fattaleh
Kaleem Hawa
Trish Salah
Gaza Poets Society
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
The New York War Crimes is a free, printed newspaper, produced by and for the Palestine solidarity movement in New York City. It is distributed in bookstores and bodegas, in subway stations and coffee shops, and at protests and rallies.
Continuing in the tradition of Gran Fury's The New York Crimes (1989), which covered what the so-called “paper of record” ignored and obfuscated during the AIDS crisis, The New York War Crimes has produced thirteen issues to date. What began as a critique of The New York Times' culpability in manufacturing consent for the U.S.-backed Israeli war on Gaza has become a critical mouthpiece of the anti-war, anti-imperialist cultural front.
Continuing in the tradition of Gran Fury's The New York Crimes (1989), which covered what the so-called “paper of record” ignored and obfuscated during the AIDS crisis, The New York War Crimes has produced thirteen issues to date. What began as a critique of The New York Times' culpability in manufacturing consent for the U.S.-backed Israeli war on Gaza has become a critical mouthpiece of the anti-war, anti-imperialist cultural front.
Published in conjunction with targeted direct actions and on significant dates including May Day, Nakba Day, Juneteenth, Pride, and October 7th, the paper has printed the names of Gaza's martyrs, reprinted seminal historical texts, and published new essays, interviews, poems, and translations. Every issue can be read at newyorkwarcrimes.com.
Expanding upon their latest issue, Vol. III, No. 13, “One Year Since Al-Aqsa Flood: Revolution Until Victory,” some of the paper’s many editors convene three days of screenings, readings, and conversations reflecting on the last year of resistance against occupation, apartheid, and genocide.
Organized by members of The New York War Crimes Editorial Collective with Eli Coplan
Expanding upon their latest issue, Vol. III, No. 13, “One Year Since Al-Aqsa Flood: Revolution Until Victory,” some of the paper’s many editors convene three days of screenings, readings, and conversations reflecting on the last year of resistance against occupation, apartheid, and genocide.
Organized by members of The New York War Crimes Editorial Collective with Eli Coplan
October 24
7pm (Doors at 6:30)
Directed and co-written by Tewfik Saleh, The Dupes (1973, 1h47min) is based on Ghassan Kanafani's 1963 novel Men in the Sun and follows three generations of Palestinian refugees as they make their way from Iraq in the hope of reaching Kuwait to pursue their dreams of freedom and prosperity.
Followed by a response by Nadine Fattaleh, introduced by Olivia Crough.
October 24
7pm (Doors at 6:30)
Directed and co-written by Tewfik Saleh, The Dupes (1973, 1h47min) is based on Ghassan Kanafani's 1963 novel Men in the Sun and follows three generations of Palestinian refugees as they make their way from Iraq in the hope of reaching Kuwait to pursue their dreams of freedom and prosperity.
Followed by a response by Nadine Fattaleh, introduced by Olivia Crough.
October 25
7pm (Doors at 6:30)
An evening of poetry with readings by:
Carolina Ebeid
Summer Farah
Trish Salah
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
and poems by Gaza Poets Society
Introduced by Chase Berggrun.
October 25
7pm (Doors at 6:30)
An evening of poetry with readings by:
Carolina Ebeid
Summer Farah
Trish Salah
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
and poems by Gaza Poets Society
Introduced by Chase Berggrun.

NYWC No. 6 distribution outside the New York Times building, March 14, 2024

NYWC No. 9 distribution in Bay Ridge, May 15, 2024

Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG) is a coalition of media, cultural, and academic workers who are committed to the horizon of liberation for the Palestinian people, and who organize against Zionism and American empire from within the imperial core.
Nadine Fattaleh is a Palestinian writer, researcher and translator from Amman. She is a PhD student at the department of Media, Culture and Communications at NYU. Her show, “Materials of Solidarity,” is on view at the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU through December 6th. She is a volunteer with the Palestinian Social Fund, and a contributor to the Palestine Film Index.
Mohammed El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer and poet from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine. He is a co-founder of the #SaveSheikhJarrah movement and currently serves as the first-ever Palestine Correspondent for The Nation and the Culture Editor for Mondoweiss. His forthcoming book Perfect Victims & The Politics of Appeal will be published by Haymarket Books in 2025.
Kaleem Hawa is a Palestinian writer and organizer with the Palestinian Youth Movement. His essays about film, literature, and art have most recently been published in the New York Review of Books, The White Review, Parapraxis, and the Journal of Palestine Studies.
Nadine Fattaleh is a Palestinian writer, researcher and translator from Amman. She is a PhD student at the department of Media, Culture and Communications at NYU. Her show, “Materials of Solidarity,” is on view at the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU through December 6th. She is a volunteer with the Palestinian Social Fund, and a contributor to the Palestine Film Index.
Mohammed El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer and poet from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine. He is a co-founder of the #SaveSheikhJarrah movement and currently serves as the first-ever Palestine Correspondent for The Nation and the Culture Editor for Mondoweiss. His forthcoming book Perfect Victims & The Politics of Appeal will be published by Haymarket Books in 2025.
Kaleem Hawa is a Palestinian writer and organizer with the Palestinian Youth Movement. His essays about film, literature, and art have most recently been published in the New York Review of Books, The White Review, Parapraxis, and the Journal of Palestine Studies.
Carolina Ebeid is a multimedia poet and author of You Ask Me to Talk about the Interior and the chapbook Dauerwunder: a brief record of facts. From 2023-2025 she is the Bonderman Assistant Professor of poetry at Brown University. Her next book HIDE will be published in 2026.
Summer Farah is a Palestinian writer from California. The author of I could die today and live again (Game Over Books, 2024). She is calling on you to recommit yourself to the liberation of the Palestinian people each day.
Trish Salah is a transsexual dyke of Lebanese and Irish heritage. She is the author of the poetry collections Wanting in Arabic, and of Lyric Sexology Vol. 1. She is an associate professor of Gender Studies at Queen’s University.
The Gaza Poets Society is a literary community in Gaza that supports young artists, poets, and writers who write in both English and Arabic. They compile anthologies, sponsor young poets, establish connections between local and international poets, and conduct workshops.
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi is a Palestinian performance artist. He is calling on you to join with the revolutionary masses across the globe in fighting for the survival and liberation of Palestinians and all oppressed people. We are bound up with one another. Anywhere and everywhere you are, you can get in the way of the death machine; hold somebody’s hand tight and get in the way together. Revolution until victory for all of us.
Summer Farah is a Palestinian writer from California. The author of I could die today and live again (Game Over Books, 2024). She is calling on you to recommit yourself to the liberation of the Palestinian people each day.
Trish Salah is a transsexual dyke of Lebanese and Irish heritage. She is the author of the poetry collections Wanting in Arabic, and of Lyric Sexology Vol. 1. She is an associate professor of Gender Studies at Queen’s University.
The Gaza Poets Society is a literary community in Gaza that supports young artists, poets, and writers who write in both English and Arabic. They compile anthologies, sponsor young poets, establish connections between local and international poets, and conduct workshops.
Fargo Nissim Tbakhi is a Palestinian performance artist. He is calling on you to join with the revolutionary masses across the globe in fighting for the survival and liberation of Palestinians and all oppressed people. We are bound up with one another. Anywhere and everywhere you are, you can get in the way of the death machine; hold somebody’s hand tight and get in the way together. Revolution until victory for all of us.
Due to the age and character of the building, the space is not optimized for ADA accessibility and is located up a single flight of 20 stairs with handrails. If you have questions about access, please contact us in advance of the event, and we will make every effort to accommodate you.