Giorno’s earliest prints were created between 1968 and 1974. These works include texts with political and sexual content that the artist found in newspapers, magazine articles, and personal ads. Some also make use of consumer materials, such as gift wrap and DayGlo paint.
Some of the prints were self-produced, and others were created in collaboration with publishers such as Something Else Press and Domberger Editions. Each print was produced in an edition of varying sizes.

Beef Cattle, 1969. Silkscreen on paper. 39h x 28w in

I'm Tired of Being Scared (blue Dayglo), 1969. Silkscreen on paper. 39h x 28w in

Window Curtain Poem: Will Suck Them Dry, 1969. Spraypaint on vinyl

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (rainbow), 1973. Silkscreen on rice paper. 38 1/8h x 42 1/2w in

You Can't Remember Where You Are (rainbow), 1974. Silkscreen on paper. 30h x 34 1/2w in

A Youth Winces, 1971. Silkscreen on paper. 25 3/4h x 25 3/4w in

Seale, 1969. Spraypaint on vinyl. 38 1/8h x 42 1/2w in