The original Dial-A-Poem number was (212) 628-0400, but that number is no longer in service. A new phone number was re-established for Dial-A-Poem in 2021.
Hundreds of recordings by artists, poets, musicians, and activists are available to all, for free, at any time.
Hundreds of recordings by artists, poets, musicians, and activists are available to all, for free, at any time.
Selected by John Giorno
between 1968 and 2019.
between 1968 and 2019.
Sound engineering by
Bob Bielecki
Bob Bielecki
Vito Acconci
Kathy Acker
Helen Adam
Miguel Algarín
Charles Amirkhanian
Beth Anderson
Laurie Anderson
John Ashbery
Robert Ashley
Amiri Baraka
Barbara Barg
Bill Berkson
Charles Bernstein
Ted Berrigan
Paul Blackburn
Joe Brainard
Glenn Branca
Jim Brodey
Otis Brown
Michael Brownstein
Charles Bukowski
William S. Burroughs
William Burroughs Jr.
Buster Poindexter
David Byrne
Cabaret Voltaire
John Cage
Charlotte Carter
Jim Carroll
Nick Cave
Tom Clark
Clark Coolidge
Gregory Corso
Jayne Cortez
Robert Creeley
Jackie Curtis
Edwin Denby
Diane di Prima
Ed Dorn
Didi Susan Dubelyew
Robert Duncan
Einstürzende Neubauten
Kenward Elmslie
Karen Finley
Four Horsemen
Diamanda Galás
Allen Ginsberg
John Giorno
Daniela Gioseffi
Michael Gira
Philip Glass
Peter Gordon
Ted Greenwald
Barbara Guest
Brion Gysin
Jessica Hagedorn
Debbie Harry
Bernard Heidsieck
Richard Hell
David Henderson
Bob Holman
Susan Howe
Ericka Huggins
Hüsker Dü
Vito Acconci
Kathy Acker
Helen Adam
Miguel Algarín
Charles Amirkhanian
Beth Anderson
Laurie Anderson
John Ashbery
Robert Ashley
Amiri Baraka
Barbara Barg
Bill Berkson
Charles Bernstein
Ted Berrigan
Paul Blackburn
Joe Brainard
Glenn Branca
Jim Brodey
Otis Brown
Michael Brownstein
Charles Bukowski
William S. Burroughs
William Burroughs Jr.
Buster Poindexter
David Byrne
Cabaret Voltaire
John Cage
Charlotte Carter
Jim Carroll
Nick Cave
Tom Clark
Clark Coolidge
Gregory Corso
Jayne Cortez
Robert Creeley
Jackie Curtis
Edwin Denby
Diane di Prima
Ed Dorn
Didi Susan Dubelyew
Robert Duncan
Einstürzende Neubauten
Kenward Elmslie
Karen Finley
Four Horsemen
Diamanda Galás
Allen Ginsberg
John Giorno
Daniela Gioseffi
Michael Gira
Philip Glass
Peter Gordon
Ted Greenwald
Barbara Guest
Brion Gysin
Jessica Hagedorn
Debbie Harry
Bernard Heidsieck
Richard Hell
David Henderson
Bob Holman
Susan Howe
Ericka Huggins
Hüsker Dü
David Johansen
Joe Johnson
Lenore Kandel
Ken Kesey
Bill Knott
Kenneth Koch
Rochelle Kraut
Joanne Kyger
Denise Levertov
Frank Lima
Arto Lindsay
Lydia Lunch
Steve McCafferty
Jackson Mac Low
Bernadette Mayer
Michael McClure
Taylor Mead
W. S. Merwin
Robin Messing
Meredith Monk
Charlie Morrow
Eileen Myles
New Order
Frank O’Hara
Claes Oldenburg
Charles Olson
Joel Oppenheim
Peter Orlovsky
Maureen Owen
Rochelle Owens
Ron Padgett
Penny Arcade
Miguel Piñero
Charles Plymell
Psychic TV
Lennox Raphael
Ishmael Reed
Rene Ricard
Henry Rollins Band
Jerome Rothenberg
Ed Sanders
Aram Saroyan
Peter Schjeldahl
John Sinclair
Patti Smith
Gary Snyder
Sonic Youth
Jack Spicer
Charles Stein
Chris Stein
Ned Sublette
Lorenzo Thomas
Tony Towle
Trungpa Rinpoche
David Van Tieghem
Paul Violi
Andrei Vosnesensky
Tom Waits
Diane Wakoski
Anne Waldman
Lewis Warsh
Tom Weatherly
Philip Whalen
John Wieners
Emmett Williams
Robert Wilson & Christopher Knowles
Frank Zappa
Joe Johnson
Lenore Kandel
Ken Kesey
Bill Knott
Kenneth Koch
Rochelle Kraut
Joanne Kyger
Denise Levertov
Frank Lima
Arto Lindsay
Lydia Lunch
Steve McCafferty
Jackson Mac Low
Bernadette Mayer
Michael McClure
Taylor Mead
W. S. Merwin
Robin Messing
Meredith Monk
Charlie Morrow
Eileen Myles
New Order
Frank O’Hara
Claes Oldenburg
Charles Olson
Joel Oppenheim
Peter Orlovsky
Maureen Owen
Rochelle Owens
Ron Padgett
Penny Arcade
Miguel Piñero
Charles Plymell
Psychic TV
Lennox Raphael
Ishmael Reed
Rene Ricard
Henry Rollins Band
Jerome Rothenberg
Ed Sanders
Aram Saroyan
Peter Schjeldahl
John Sinclair
Patti Smith
Gary Snyder
Sonic Youth
Jack Spicer
Charles Stein
Chris Stein
Ned Sublette
Lorenzo Thomas
Tony Towle
Trungpa Rinpoche
David Van Tieghem
Paul Violi
Andrei Vosnesensky
Tom Waits
Diane Wakoski
Anne Waldman
Lewis Warsh
Tom Weatherly
Philip Whalen
John Wieners
Emmett Williams
Robert Wilson & Christopher Knowles
Frank Zappa